Cool Stuff | Linux

Cool Stuff, no time out

*/1 * * * * export DISPLAY=:0 && /usr/bin/xte 'mousermove 1 1' && echo 'mouse wiggled!' >> /tmp/mousecron.log

download the patch here:
Find the source code
On my system it is at /usr/lib/vmware/modules/source
Untar source modules
tar xvf vmnet.tar
This creates a subfolder containing the source files (in this case, vmnet-only).
Apply the patch
Assuming the patch file is ~/Downloads/vmware3.2.0.patch
patch -p1 < ~/Downloads/vmware3.2.0.patch
Re-Tar the source folder
tar cvf vmnet.tar vmnet-only/
Rerun the module compilation process and hope the patches fix the problem.
If smarter people have better instructions feel free to contradict.

Happy New Year 2012

May success, peaceful and healthy life be with all of us, a lot great opportunities lying ahead!
