Old But Powerful

This is my good friend (Mr. Ganesh) PC, I bought it from him few months back. Last weekend, I do some minor cleanup to this PC, and now it looks almost NEW. Wait, another weekend I ll do it again and it will certainly look new.

Here are some photos taken huahua:

I installed many OSes, range from Unix to Windows and it runs perfectly fine. But Games I have not try it with this PC, well .. I am not Gamer.

BASH: Shell Script

Shell Scripting

Target PLEASE! focus

SO What is your target this year? Of course MUST be better than last year.

Here are fews of my target and almost possible to achieve it, by GOD will and determination plus hard work. I have learnt that there are no SHORTCUT to success!

1. Reducing Pollution.
2. Reducing usage of Toxic, minimal amount recommended.
3. Obtaining RHCE
4. Increase resale value.
5. Obtaining new skillset.

January 10

Happy Birthday to you huahuahua!

May all the good things will be with you always.

The Year Ahead

Forecast for January 2008 to January 2009

Your birthday this year occurs shortly after a New Moon, suggesting a time of new beginnings and fresh energy. You are instinctively starting a new phase in your life. It's time to give your life a makeover and to branch out into the untried.

Uranus transits sextile to your Sun this year, and the desire to make a few changes in your life that break you out of your usual routines is with you. These changes are unlikely to be jarring or dramatic. Rather, it feels good to break out of your shell a little and to take a few healthy risks. Friends or group associations may be catalysts for this new self-expression. You may make little changes to your personal appearance or to your mannerisms that reflect the changes going on inside. A desire to be more free-spirited is with you this year.

With Venus in a tense aspect to Uranus in your Solar Return, some disruptions in your friendships and attachments are possible this year. Unusual attractions (to people and things) can have you acting on a whim. You may deal with freedom versus closeness issues in your relationships. It may be that you experience sudden changes or breakups with a friend or lover. However, the chance of a sudden new friendship is just as likely. At the root of this is a stronger taste for the unusual. What is familiar is less exciting to you than what is new and different. If a relationship seems to threaten your sense of freedom, you may have an easy time separating from it. Some fireworks in both your social and financial lives are to be expected, keeping things fresh and exciting. The best way to handle this energy is to open yourself up to the need for change in your love life or with regards to how you spend and make money--or both. Get in touch with this need for new experiences and/or attitudes so that changes are not forced upon you.

Mars opposes Pluto at the time of your birthday, adding quite a bit of intense energy to your year. You have powerful, transformative energy at your disposal this year, and much will depend on how you handle it. Channeled positively, you could move mountains when it comes to pushing your projects ahead. If mishandled, however, you could be argumentative, stressed, and hell-bent on having your way! Avoid taking extreme measures to make things happen your way, and avoid people who might be doing same. Deliberately trying to maneuver things in order to get the upper hand will be a lesson in frustration.

With Mars trine the Moon's North Node, you may be actively involved with teamwork and collaboration with others this year. This can also indicate an increased need for sexual union, as it stirs the passions and generally indicates ease in satisfying one's desires through positive connections with others. This aspect is one indication of getting engaged, married, the beginning of a significant new relationship, or the intensification of an existing romance. Jupiter in creative aspect to Uranus suggests that an enterprising spirit this year can really take you places. Sudden opportunities for advancement in different areas of your life appear. At the heart of this is your ability to recognize and capitalize upon opportunities and potentials. Fortunate events occur as a direct result of your willingness to entertain the unusual and to think outside of the box.

Jupiter harmonizes with Saturn at the time of your birthday this year, suggesting a period of constructive accomplishment. In general, you are practical, realistic, and your judgment is especially sound--and you derive much satisfaction from practical accomplishment. The key to harnessing this wonderful energy is to identify and find pleasure in the simple things that make you happy. A nice balance between optimism and practicality is with you this year.

The year ahead marks a significant turning point in your life, as you begin a new cycle. Your personality is sparkling, and you are more willing than usual to express your more unique qualities. New connections are made that enhance your social life. However, romantic ups and downs are likely as you struggle with issues of personal freedom. More involvement with groups enhances your life, and the ability to find a balance between optimism and practicality helps you to achieve your goals.

2008 is a Number Three year for you. Ruled by Jupiter. This is a year of sociability. It is a friendly time, when it is easy to enjoy life and other people. Focus is on personal freedom, reaching out to others, making new friends, and exploration. You are more enthusiastic and ready for adventure. It is likely to be a rather lighthearted year, when opportunities for "play" time are greater than usual. It's also a good year for expressing your creativity. Advice - reach out, but avoid scattering your energies.

2009 will be a Number Four year for you. Ruled by Uranus. This is a year of work and development. It's "nose to the grindstone" time. It's a time to deal with practical matters, and it's not a time to be lazy or especially gregarious. Sometimes, it can be a year that feels hard, monotonous and routine, and/or lonely. Positive new relationships are generally not formed in a Four personal year. Advice - get yourself organized, work to build your resources, keep busy.
