Online Social Networking

As millions flock to social networking sites such as Prenster, Facebup and MyRuang, experts warn they could be putting themselves at risk from dangers such as identity theft and stalking. Take these basic precautions.

• Check the website's privacy policy. Some allow unrestricted access to posted content. If possible, restrict access to your profile so only close friends can view your information.

• Seriously consider omitting your full name, address, phone number, pets' and maiden names or any personal details that could allude to passwords.

• Choose a username that doesn't contain personal info.

• Be aware that personal photos can be altered.

• The internet is open to the public, so only post stuff you don't mind strangers knowing. After all, you can't take it back – even if you delete it, older versions may exist on other people's computers.

• Don't believe everything you read online. Report anything or anyone suspicious to the website or police.

• Looking for Online SEX Partner???? Ermmmmm .... damn it!!!!
............... duit duit duit

Struggling under debt, or want to save up to buy a home? The RM 100/24-hour rule is great to help ward off temptation. If you’re tempted to buy something that costs more than $100, commit to waiting for 24 hours before buying it. Then, weigh up your options:

• Do you really need it?
• Do you have the cash on hand?
• Will you need to borrow from your budget?
• Will you have to go into debt to buy it (credit or store cards, etc)?
• Can you raise the money to buy it (work overtime, a garage sale)?

Most of the time you’ll change your mind when you realise how much the desired item will really cost you to buy it on credit. This simple exercise can save you several years’ worth of debt repayments in the long run.